Monday, May 18, 2015

Uzbek Woman Baking Bread

This is a picture that my husband absolutely loves. It is on display in our Museum of Arts in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and each time we are visiting the museum, he stops to look at it. I guess it reminds him of his childhood in a rural house where they had a "tandyr" oven like this, and his grandmother and mother used to bake this round Uzbek bread called "non". The photo is a bit distorted, but I hope you still can see how cosy and homely that place is. Even if it looks so simple and old, it is full of warmth, and this bread is delicious.

It is typically not allowed to take photos in our museum (unless you pay a hefty sum), but my husband was on assignment there for two days, translating a lecture about Henry Moore, and the director allowed him to take several photos of whatever he wanted. It is a pity that he did not photograph the label with name of the artist; I will check it next time.


  1. So nice that you now have a photo of your husband's favorite painting. Breadbaking was a Saturday ritual when I was growing up. Although we used a gas oven, not a tandyr, it took most of Saturday morning to bake bread for the family for the week. I still love the smell and taste of fresh-baked bread--and it always brings back childhood memories.

  2. Love the warmth this painting brings around the hearth ... a calming picture you'd could study for some time and continue to see different things

  3. I can see how this would take your husband back. It's a lovely painting. And how cool that they allowed him to take photos!


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