Sunday, August 16, 2015

Our Cat Needs a Name

Just before leaving for vacation, my mom rescued this very nice Thai cat who had to be taken to the mountain village with us.

I was very worried that the cat might escape from the strange place, but she proved to be very smart and very focused on people, rather than on the dwelling. She adjusted immediately and felt at home.

She has great nerves and does not seem to be afraid of anything. I am also thrilled by the fact that she is an excellent huntress who catches and eats mice and all sorts of insects.

The cat has been with us for a couple of months already and still has no name... just Cat, which is of course a name of some sort, but I think she needs a proper name... Any suggestions will be welcome. She is a tiny cat, finely built and silky to the touch, and deserves a beautiful name.


  1. What a beautiful cat! I would pick a beautiful name like Jasmine or Anjuli

  2. She is gorgeous, Eugenie. Since she is small, fine, and soft to the touch perhaps you might choose a fabric/material related name that suits her and your artistic nature? I also like the comment above about giving her a pretty floral name since she loves prowling in nature.


Please say a few words if you feel like it - I will be very happy to read your comment.

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