Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Our Sunny Uzbekistan

I often hear this phrase: it is a very popular cliche used to describe our country. It can be often heard in opening remarks at conferences or workshops. 'The people of our sunny country are very kind and hospitable...' - and this is true.

And it is also true that our country is very sunny indeed, and sometimes I think we could use some rain and clouds. Right now it is 5:30pm, and it is still 100F (38C) outside. Chance of rain: 0%. Thank you for your frankness and openness,

This morning I went to the bazaar to look for vintage silk ikat fabrics for our Etsy shop and was close to dying right there. You could cook pancakes on the pavement. (However I found some lovely pieces, so I did not suffer in vain).

But it is just too hot and there is no hope of rain or cold wind, alas. All I can do now is stay under the AC and look longingly at something cold and wet, like these pictures of grass with water drops I made this spring.


  1. Elizabeth in WisconsinAugust 16, 2012 at 12:56 AM

    I am glad you decided to create a blog, Eugenie! Your photos are gorgeous and I love reading your entries. :)

  2. Elizabeth, thank you so much! I do not know if I will be a diligent blogger but I certainly cannot write at Facebook - it is so inconvenient - and sometimes I want to write something for a wider audience.


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