Sunday, September 2, 2012

Jager: Glamour and Reality

I have no time to write today, as I am finishing a large report and revamping the shop at the same time. I am so deeply immersed in the shop these days - I do hope that I will not write anything about silk blouses and ikat pillow covers in this report on agricultural development.

In the meantime I just want to post these two photos of my dog, Jager. They are not new, but I like them and some of you (well, few of you) may have not seen them. They were made during the same morning walk, within 40 minutes, which makes them especially funny to me. .

I find the contrast hilarious. It makes me think of cover girls - what they might look like when they have a chance to relax and just enjoy themselves, forgetting about their beauty. And what does it bring to your mind?


  1. Beautiful dog. Little dirt never hurt :)

  2. Replies
    1. Yana, thanks a lot ) maybe you will make a felted Malinois one day )))))

  3. I just LOVE the second picture. He has so intimate look!

    1. Oh that is for sure ) he says - come and play with me )))

  4. LOL..He looks like a great dog....just full of personality!

    1. Patricia, thank you! He is amazing, that is true - my perfect dog, fearless, intelligent and loving.


Please say a few words if you feel like it - I will be very happy to read your comment.

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